Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Taxi Driving Bastards

I don't care if someone is a foriegner or not, leaving them to stand in sub-zero temperatures while you go in search of better fare makes you a jackass.
Foriegner + Short Distance = No Cab Ride For You
I thought about throwing a snowball at his car after he shook his head and drove away, but Korean taxi/bus drivers have been known (relatively often) to beat the shit out of people who piss them off. So, I kicked at the air behind his car, and my friends and I sauntered along until a driver was gracious enough to take us home.
There are certain cabs who will only take passengers into Seoul-proper, however, these cabs are identifiable by license plate. Mr. Headshaking-I'll-Leave-You-In-The-Cold cab driver did not have one of these plates.
If anyone has a rational explanation as to why this happens, I'll gladly retract the above hostility...and quite frankly, I should probably do so anyway. But c'mon's F-in' below zero outside, in both Celsius and Ferenheit, give the waygookies (foriegners) a chance.

In unrelated news, it's really unsettling when you hear people talking about you in another language, but they won't tell you what's being said. This happens on a fairly regular basis. I thouroughly enjoy my life in Korea when I'm not at work. When I am at work, my recent similie has been that being there is like being repeatedly beaten with a 2 x 4 in the ribcage on a daily basis. I do enjoy several of my co-workers, I should point out.

Thoughts such as those above are a big reason (though not the only) why I haven't blogged much. I'm not as hostile as the above may insinuate. Really, how can I complain? I just spent 9 days in Thailand; a country I've wanted to visit for years. Consider it more venting that anger.


  1. hey melisa,
    glad you're keeping a blog. it'll help, i promise. i started one when i left for korea back in 2005, and i encouraged another friend to do it as well. i think it helped us both process the whole experience. let me know if there's anything in particular i can be praying for... i totally remember, and understand, your struggles. HANG IN THERE!

  2. Thanks Ruth. (or Jody?)
    I defintaly process by writing. I think I haven't wanted to blog so much because I wanted people back home to think things were peachy. And sometimes it is. But I guess my sugar-coating needs to stop. I wrote a lot in my journal, but I think I need to share my thoughts with those close to me. I think that will help a lot. Thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers. I'm SO grateful to have folks who have been here who "get it"
