Saturday, January 23, 2010

Lazy Saturday And Dancing Hobbits

Much needed rest today, followed by a trip to the English book store, Indian food, and coffee shop concert (featuring folks from my friend Autum's church). Aside from being turned down from yet another cab ride, all in all a decent day.

Except now, the giant spider part in The Return of the King is on TV. Blogging is a good distraction. I made myself watch that scene the first time. That was enough.

Actually, speaking of that movie, there is a scene near the end, when all of the hobbits have returned back to The Shire. Middle Earth has been saved at the expense of many lives. The little hobbits fought nobly though muck and fire and destruction. Battles raged around them. More than one being tried to kill them. They carried each other, both mentally and physically. Their hearts never failed. Continually, they pressed foward, fighting to save their home from what seemed like inevitable destruction. Hobbits are small creatures; no bigger than children. The world of war is no place for such small people, no matter how big their hearts are. Numerous times, they were told to stay out of the way in battle, that they were burdens. But still they fought. And they won. And in the end, when they have returned safely to thier home, they sit around a table at their local pub, like they always had. They drink their pints of beer and everyone dances and sings merrily around them, paying them no heed. They had no idea what these four hobbits had been through. They knew they were gone for over a year. They were happy for their return, but they had no idea. The 4 hobbits sit at the table, watching the merriment surrounding them, and just look at each other, knowing that they share a bond that no other hobbit or any being on Middle Earth could ever break. Or ever begin to understand.

I think of this scene when I think of being back in the United States. Many will be glad for my return. There will be merriment around me. However, daily life will continue around me as well. And when I come across an individual who has shared the experience of teaching in Korea, we will look at each other, while others dance around us, and know.

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