Thursday, January 21, 2010

Are You Kidding Me?

Today's blog is about two unrelated incidents that have happened in the last 36 hours. However, each has a significant amount of ridiculousness, thus I'm just going to write about them at the same time.
I'll start with the more recent one. Thursday is the day that I teach Korean 5 year olds "science." The particular class that I am teaching has been learning English for approximately 3 weeks. The experiment was to use baking soda and vinegar and BTB solution (will someone tell me what that is, please?) to change colors. I'll now give you some direct quotes from the teacher's manual, directing me how to instruct said pre-schoolers on the amazing wonders of science.

Purpose of the Experiment: End goal of the experiment is for children to understand and differentiate the differences between acids and bases....the goal has been set for children to experience amazing chemical phenomenon. Children can be led as far as to understand the concept of "neutralization."

Insturction and execution:
Start class talking of vinegar.
Talk of the properties of vinegar we know.
Talk of the experiences of having eaten vinegar.
Think of other properties.
Talk about the expected result of the experiement.
Make sure to ask the children "What do you think would happen?"
Make the chilren accurately describe the relationship between colors when the vinegar and baking soad are put in the solution.
See what's the relationship between vinegar and soda? (proposed answer) Their properties are contrary to each other.

Needless to say, we talked about our favorite colors. Then, my coworker who loves science took over for me and I went to the coffee shop and had an americano and a bagel.

The other incident happened yesterday (Wednesday) morning as I was walking to school. Korea is crowded. I get that. I expect to get bumped into without acknowledgement. I do get bumped into without acknowledgement pretty much everday. Ok. Whatever. I can deal with that. There is a massive amount of people and they probably assume I won't understand them. (Which, I probably wouldn't)
However, the limit of running into someone without acknowlegement should probably be set at hitting someone with your car. Yes, that's right. A car. I was minding my own business, walking along the road (no, not in the middle) when I was struck on the elbow by a the side mirror of a white sedan. Now, the car wasn't speeding along, but he certainly wasn't creeping along as one might expect it to be when approaching a pedestrian. I admit, I had my earphones in. But I always have my earphones in and am perfectly able to hear automobiles coming up behind me, especially when they honk...which they do if you're even 20 yards away. The driver of this car made no attempt to slow down, go around me, honk, or even make sure I was ok after striking me. If you're worried, I'm fine. It surprised me more than hurt me. But it didn't help my relative angst toward Korea. Here's a photo of where it happened. I was walking along the right side of the road, next to the building with the rounded window. I don't know..maybe the driver expected me to go in the building.

Anyway, there's some entertainment for you, I hope.

I'd like to point out that to counter these relatively cynical blogs, tomorrow I'll put up the top 10 reasons I'm thankful I'm in Korea. I'm also getting my friend Amanda to compile her top ten reasons she loves Korea, because she will never leave this country, and I'd like to have fair representation of views of living in Korea.

1 comment:

  1. They wanted you to teach that to 5 year olds? Who have been learning english for 3 weeks?!

    I'm glad you're ok after being hit by a car.

    Miss you!
