Monday, March 15, 2010

Anyangkaysayo (Goodbye)

Why isn't there Duty Free Starbucks? With all this duty free stuff at a huge international airport, I demand duty free coffee. :)
Well, anyway...I'm currently enjoying my non-duty free coffee and a bagel while awaiting my flight. Yes, I'm actually getting on a plane this time. 2 planes actually. And a boat....but that will be tomorrow. My airline tickets are in hand. I've cleared security and immigration. I think I'm good this time.
So now...I'm really done. It's really over. I'm leaving behind the Land of the Morning Calm. (Though it's anything but)
I leave behind dear friends. Friends who have blessed me and encouraged me and strengthened me in ways they'll never know. Maybe even in ways I don't know of yet.
I cannot thank them enough for the love and support they have been and given.
Honestly, I've been pretty checked out for a while. Especially this last week when emotionally I was already gone. I'd said goodbye to everyone 12 days ago. And my heart hadn't been here for quite some time. Then, here I sat, for over a week and a half...and that's all I had to do...just sit.
I was bored at times. Really bored.
But it was good for me. Good for me to have to just sit and be. I was supposed to miss that plane 12 days ago. Through the course of those days, I was able to think, write, pray, and talk with those people mentioned above. Through it, I've postulated a plan for the next 6 months or so....we'll see how it turns out.
The plan is as follows:
In 90 minutes, I'll get on a plane bound for Beijing, where I'll board another plane bound for Stockholm. I'll spend the night in Stockholm, check out the city this evening and tomorrow morning/early afternoon, and then I'll board an overnight ferry bound for Helsinki. I'll stay in Helsinki until March 30th, when I'll fly back to the US (uh..actually, I'll go back to Stockholm and then fly out from there) and spend time with my family and friends who I've missed terribly. Conviently, there was an opening at my old job at the group home in Sioux Falls, which I've accepted, at least through the summer.
During my time in Helsinki, I'll again spend time reading, writing, praying, spending time with friends and making new ones. I hope to get a good feel as to whether or not this really is the place I want to and/or am called to be during this time. If so, I hope to return to Helsinki in the fall either as a student or with a job...and potentially build and or work for a church there. My dream is to have a ministry involving a coffeeshop, art, music, maybe even a hostel, where people can come in just as they are and feel welcome and learn about God in a non threatening environment. As of now, it seems I'd like this to happen in Helsinki, but I think I'll know more in the coming weeks and months. Please continue to pray for me and the direction God leads me...and that I can follow him wholeheartedly, no matter where he takes me. He's really good.
So...that's that for now. I'm sure as the days pass after my departure from Korea I'll have much more to process and write on here, but for now, thanks for reading.
Love to all,

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