Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Clean Clothes Saga

On Saturday, I took a mighty adventure and went to Home Plus (=Walmart) by myself. My mission was to find laundry detergent. After wandering through the store, I found the aisle that I thought looked correct. As I stood there staring at bottles with words I couldn't understand, an employee woman came up to me and said ...... well, I have no idea what she said. I shook my head and quickly went to another aisle. However, by the process of aimless wandering, I stumbled upon something that made my heart begin to sing....COFFEE!!! Andrea, if you are reading this, I can't thank you enough for that french press mug you gave to me. I use it every day. No joke. Every day. My co-workers in all of their kindness gave me a gift bag full of goodies upon my arrival, including these instant coffee packages. While I by no means wish to diminish their heartfelt gift and am incredibly thankful to them, non instant coffee that is not more sugar than actual coffee is quite literally a god-send. I'm fairly certain the children will like me much better with this discovery as well.
So, though I was escstatic to find coffee, I still had no laundry detergent. So I made my way back to that aisle (a few times) and the same lady came up to me again and pointed to a sale sign. I could see that it was 50% off. So finally I held my shirt out a bit and rubbed it, asking "for clothes?" She nodded yes. What kind of detergent was it? I have no idea, but after putzing around for nearly an hour, the fact that it was for clothes was all I needed to hear....well, that and 50% off. I took my coffee, detergent, and apples that I decided would be my breakfast for the week to the check out. Ahn-yong-hah-sayo to the clerk. (Hello) The amount owed was on the screen. I handed it to her. She gave me change. She said something else I didn't understand, but I'm pretty sure it was "do you want a bag?" so I shook my head no. Gam-sam-needah (Thank You) to the clerk and from the clerk to me. Success!!
I came home.
I stared blankly down at the washing machine.
How the hell do I work my washer!?!
I pushed some buttons. It lit up. I closed the lid. A few minutes later I return to check on what I think should be a successful washing. The minutes had not counted down. There was no water in it. The clothes remained dirty and dry in my foriegn machine.
(Tonight...3 nights later, my coworker has shown me what to do, and I now have clean clothes drying on the rack in the kitchen.)
Clean clothes at last!

1 comment:

  1. oh the joys of shopping in a foeign language. Russia was a hoot that way for me--buying totally the wrong product, or asking for 100 rather than 10, and nearly starting a riot 9back in 1993 when shelves wer still pretty empty!) Enjoy your coffee and keep the stories coming!
