Friday, June 19, 2009

The First 48 Hours

Well, I've arrived safely. I got in around 5:30pm Wednesday night (Seoul Time...3:30am Wednesday Central time). Customs and whatnot was easy. I was picked up at the airport and within 2 hours of landing, I arrived at the school that I'll be working at. I was greeted very warmly, surrounded by the teachers who will be my co-workers. They gave me a gift bag filled with coffee, tea, tissues, crackers, cookies, and even peanut butter (which is very hard to find), jelly and bread. They are all very nice.
I slept like a rock that first night. Then, Thursday, I rested throughout the morning, and then went to the hospital for routine check up. They are really concerned about Swine Flu here, and I can't blame them, with so many people crammed into such a small place. Though honestly, the area I am in is not packed like I thought it would be. Traffic is pretty constant, but the sidewalks are not crowded at all. And I'm so thankful that my apartment building is off the main road, and it's really quiet!
Last evening, a coworker took me to Home Plus (like walmart) so I was able to get a few necessities. Then we had dinner. The two of us ate for around $4 USD and I was full! Then jet lag set in again and I was asleep by 9:30.
Today, Friday, I woke up a little before 6am and couldn't get back to sleep. I watched a bit of TV and quickly learned that there are not the same restrictions as home. Not that I was expecting there to be, but I was surprised to see topless women. It was one of those hidden camera shows, and I think it was Russian. They would play pranks on unsuspecting passers-by, and one of them was set in a supermarket. The woman was pretending to demonstrate the good effects of laundry detergent. She had the people squirt her shirt with various liquids, then stripped it off to put it in the soapy water. The men smirked. The women tried to make her put it back on. :)
I decided I'd had enough TV (there are 3 or 4 English Channels) and I couldn't get back to sleep so I decided to go for a walk. I'm noticing it's only the older folks who stare, for the most part.
There is a river in front of the school, with a river walk following it. It's so green and really a pretty walk. There are so many trees! There were ducks in the river and bright butterflies, and this large bird that's black and white and noisy! (No, it's not a penguin)
Tonight, I'll have dinner again, and tomorrow I'm off to Seoul for the first time. I'm looking forward to it.
Once I have internet in my apartment, I'll be able to use my computer and put up pictures and talk on Skype and whatnot. For now, I'm using the computer at the school. Everyone is really nice and really helping me adjust and find what I need. I'll enjoy the weekend, and then start observing classes on Monday. The kids are really cute and I'm excited to get to know them.
Ok...all for now.


  1. Hey Melisa,

    so glad to hear you arrived safely and are enjoying things so far!

    I hope you have a restful weekend and look forward to hearing more of your adventures =)


  2. I can install Skype and have a built in webcam. Let's talk!

  3. Hey, Melissa it is good to hear from you and about your experiences. I am going to type up some directions on for the Goss gang to load Google docs so they can set up Google reader to monitor you blog. I think it might help so that it shows when you have entered new stuff on your blog. take care and let us know if you need anything sent your way. Sandie

  4. Melisa,
    Hi! I'm following you! So glad you took this chance to step out of the box. I'm sorry I wasn't able to hear how the "box" came about, but so glad it did! You'll be a great teacher. I look forward to you postings!
    The other people I know in S. Korea are Chris Bacon and his girlfriend Noemi, and they are teaching in Busan. Don't know where that is in comparison to your place but here's their blogspot:

    Adventures await you. Enjoy the journey.
